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Prof.  Xiaochen  Dong
Nanjing Tech University,  China

Title: Organic NIR Photosensitizers for Targeted Cancer Phototherapy


The development of effective cancer treatment methods has become extremely urgent due to the rapid growth of cancer patients. Comparing to conventional therapeutic methods for cancer, photothermal therapy (PTT) and photodynamic therapy (PDT) are two main noninvasive phototherapies due to the low side-effects, high selectivity and efficiency. PTT and PDT are usually induced by near-infrared (NIR) light then the excited agents inside tumor can generate heat or reactive oxygen species (ROS) to kill tumor cells. However, most of inorganic agents face big challenges of the potential far-reaching toxicity and bio-refractory in clinic. Differently, small molecular organic dyes as photothermal agents usually presents low-toxicity, good biodegradability and fluorescence in biological tissue. 

Herein, we have designed and synthesized a series of NIR-absorbing photosensitizers (PSs), based on DPP and Bodipy derivatives. After self-assembly, organic nanoparticles (NPs), with excellent tumor-targeting performance and high ROS generation ability or photothermal conversion, can be obtained. Moreover, the NPs can be passive targeted to tumor sites by the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect and photoacoustic imaging can visualize the tumor site for real-time monitoring during the therapeutic process. What’s more, by the assistance of pharmacokinetics, the properties and mechanisms of NIR-absorbing Nano-PSs were studied, which provided a more effective and smart method for accurate imaging of cancer tumor and phototherapy.


He obtained his PhD degrees from Zhejiang University in China in 2007, supervised by Prof. Li Wang. Then he joined the School of Materials Science and Engineering in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) as a Postdoctor. In 2012, he joined Institute of Advanced Materials, NanjingTech University as a Full Professor. He has published more than 200 papers, with citation by >10,000 times (H-index~49), edited and published 3 books in English and Chinese. The current research involves biophotonics and bioelectronics, carbon-based nanomaterials. His scientific achievements have been honored by many prestigious scientific awards in China, including "Ten thousand plan" - National high level talents special support plan (2017), Distinguished Young Scholar of China (2015), National Science Foundation (2015), and so on.

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